The Hardest Post to Write

Hi all; this is going to be a short post.

I’m not going to sugar coat this and say that I’m working through whats going on and that everything is fine because that’s a lie.

On Thursday, June 21st, at 6:17 AM, my dad died. He was in the hospital for a while and was having some trouble getting his blood pressure down. He was discharged Wednesday afternoon after spending four and one half days there. We went out to dinner and shopped at Target. Anyone who knows my family knows that I love Target and my dad did not like browsing stores. We went to target and browsed. We smelled the candles and found walrus socks. We went home and relaxed.

On Thursday morning, after talking and cuddling with each other, mom walked out of the bedroom and found him sprawled on the couch. She thought he was asleep. Later she realized he was too yellow and too unresponsive. She called 911, but he was probably gone before she even called.

A nurse who lives behind us had come over and later said that, as she was running the code, she never felt a pulse or heard a breath. The doctors don’t know why he died. His funeral was on Tuesday.

I won’t say I’m doing perfectly fine. My emotions are a mess. I have been clashing between needing to get out of the house to focus on something else and needing to be at home in my blanket with ice cream and Netflix. I want to constantly be at my mother’s side helping her and catering to her every need but I also recognize the need to keep up with my mental health.

Pray for us all as we go through this rough time and forgive me for the lack of posts.

Kathleen Lucille

Passionate Causes

I am passionate about many causes. I think everyone is passionate about something, they may have more or less causes they are passionate about on varying levels of passion, but in short, everyone cares about something. Hopefully.

  1. Gun Control

This for me isn’t about nobody having guns. This is about it being harder for people to get guns. Two people on tumblr said this:

“The kids’ response to the shooting has been something truly incredible. Normally, it’s always been very young children and it’s only their parents that can speak about it. The narrative gets controlled, the conspiracy theorists talk about how it’s all an act, so much bullsh*t. But these are kids who are active on social media, incredibly close to voting age, and they’re demanding their voices are heard. Every single thing that downplays, dismisses or conspiracies the shooting has been subverted by their efforts, and they’re not letting adults who’ve never lived what the lived through control the narrative. ‘It was a conspiracy!’ ‘No we have video evidence of it happening.’ ‘Shouldn’t you be calling 911 instead of making videos?’ ‘We called 911 so many times they told us to stop.’ ‘But he was a troubled child!’ ‘We are ALL troubled, that’s no excuse.’ and it just goes on like this.”


“I said to my husband the other day that, ‘This one feels different,’ referring to this precisely. The whole energy around it feels different These kids are not having this bullsh*it, and while they should not have to stand their ground and fight this battle, godd*mn it they are going to. If the adults won’t, then god*amn it these kids will draw a line and say ‘no, no more, this is bullsh*t.’ I don’t know what it means or how it will play out long term. But there a sense around this whole tragedy that this one is different, and I hope, maybe, that means some actual change is going to come.


The fact that it is taking kids to stand up and say “No, I’m done, this needs to change,” is appalling to me. I hate it.

2. Pro-Life Movement

I am Pro-Life. I don’t mean to say that rape is ok, I will get to that soon. For me, Pro-life includes not using birth control.

“You don’t need birth control, you need self-control.”

-Fr. Mike Schmitz

“My body, my choice” applies to so many things that I agree with such as consent to sex (for me, marital sex, not pre-marital) is a my body, my choice situation. Doctor’s and treatments is a my body, my choice situation. But does your body have two heads, four hands, four legs, two beating hearts, and two different sets of DNA? If it were your body, you would die as well. The word abortion itself comes from the word abort (abort mission) which we all know means end.

Just because abortion is legal does not make it right; remember slavery?

3. Feminism

This one post sums up everything I have to say so I am just going to leave it at this.

Kathleen Lucille

Q+A Questions!!

Hi my lovely readers!

This is super quick today but I am taking questions for a Q and A next week! Submit them in the comment section and I will answer them in the next post; they can be about anything beauty, health, lifestyle, faith related!

See you soon!

Forgiving Yourself

Before I even really get into this, there are a few things you need to know about me. Number 1: I’m an awkward person. I don’t know why, I just am. Number 2: I love quotes. Anyone who was at my 8th grade graduation knows that my speech was basically a really long quote that probably belonged on Instagram or something. This doesn’t have quite as many quotes in it. Number 3 is a little bit harder: I have an anxiety disorder. I’m not going to get into that two much because this isn’t about the past year and how it affected me, its about now and how I forgave myself. I’m going to give you a little background because I think it might help you understand be able to take more from this talk.

I started having anxiety when I was a sophomore. I didn’t know why but I was absolutely terrified. I don’t like crying in front of people so I held it all in and didn’t let anyone know for a few months, not even my own mother. Which I really should have done because I could’ve avoided so much pain. I should’ve trusted her. My grandmother died the following January. That was a really hard hit and considering how emotionally unstable I was at that point, it didn’t help my anxiety at all. I went to go see a therapist for about a year. Through that year of therapy sessions, we discovered that I had panic attacks caused by confrontation. I felt like whenever I had anxiety other people were annoyed. I felt like it was my fault when others were annoyed. But it wasn’t. I needed to learn that if their name isn’t God, their opinion doesn’t matter and their approval isn’t needed. So, even though I’m having a little panic attack inside, I will not be ashamed of my story, because chances are, it may inspire some of you.

Now, this is about forgiveness. Something I think about is how people often associate forgiveness with a disagreement you had with a friend or a member of your family. For me, forgiveness meant forgiving myself. A few months ago, I was beating myself up for keeping my anxiety such a secret, unable to forgive myself. Then I realized that in the big picture of life, no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future. But it’s hard to forgive yourself and move on when you feel like it’s your fault and you don’t deserve it.

My dog is a good example of what to do (what I should have done.) So, background, my dog is a little 10-pound Yorkshire Terrier who acts like he is a Great Dane. His ears are huge and at first glance, he is sooo cute. Then he jumps at you and barks at you and demands that you give him treats to calm down. Papi is very protective of his property. Essentially this dog thinks he owns the world and everything on it. A few nights ago, I was letting him out to do business before going to sleep. Normally, at this time of night, he is sleepy and he waddles his way out and then, when he is finished, he waddles his way back in. This time, he bolted to the darkest corner of the yard and started barking. I was running out, in the freezing cold, to get him inside when I saw that he cornered to possum, a mom and her baby, in the corner. When I tell people about this, they think “What is a possum going to do to your dog? They just play dead.” That’s not true for an animal their own size. He could’ve gotten into a fight with this mother possum. My point is, he doesn’t think about these things. He just does them. Now I understand that he is a dog and, for him, it’s just instinct. But here’s a question: why isn’t it instinct for us to understand and forgive ourselves? Why don’t we just jump in and forgive ourselves without thinking about it? Why do we think we don’t deserve that?

Without forgiving myself, there is no way I could ever have accepted that anxiety is going to be a part of my life forever. I am never going to get rid of it.

But through forgiveness I have accepted and learned many things. I learned that looking forward to simple moments and realistically thinking about actions and consequences eliminates a major part of my anxiety. This doesn’t mean I don’t feel any anxiety at all anymore because I certainly do. I have so much anxiety about college. But I’m working on it, it’s a work in progress.

Right now, I’m at a point in my life where peace is my priority and negativity cannot exist. I have to make a conscious effort to always remember that for every inch of sadness lies a foot of happiness ahead. I remember that crazy chances (even though they often make me anxious) guide us to unexpected discoveries and that tough times unveil the true sincerity of your closest friends. I’ve learned that you have to hold on to your smile every day and free yourself of your sadness. Even though so few people saw it, rock bottom became the sold foundation on which I rebuilt my life. So, no matter who you are, or what you are going through, let’s come together, root for each-other, and watch each-other grow.

Kale Chips + The SCD Diet

Whoop whoop I’m back! Guess who got sick for a week and completely forgot that she even had a blog.


So what does SCD Diet mean you may ask? Well, SCD stands for Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It sounds kind of crazy but this is what happens. You eliminate certain kinds of food from your diet. Here is a general list of things I will not be eating:

  • Processed meats (hot dogs, bologna, turkey loaf, spiced ham, breaded fish, canned fish with sauces)
  • Processed cheeses
  • Smoked meats (unless I 100% know that there is no added sugar)
  • Whey powder, lucrose, sucrose
  • No canned canned vegetables
  • Wheat, barley, corn, rye, oats, rice, buckwheat, millet, triticale, bulgur, spelt (no cereals, bread, or flour made with these)
  • Potatoes (white, sweet, fried) and yams
  • Parsnips
  • Okra
  • Chick-peas
  • Bean sprouts
  • Soy-beans, mung-beans, fava-beans, and garbanzo beans
  • Amaranth flour, quinoa flour, chestnut flour, any newly introduced grain substitutes like cottonseed
  • Fluid milk of any kind, dried milk solids, soybean milk
  • Commercial buttermilk, commercial sour cream, commercial yogurt (except for use as a starter for our own yogurt which we are making)
  • Instant tea and coffee, coffee substitutes

So. The reasoning behind this is that when we were nomad’s thousands of years ago, we weren’t eating these things. Grains were used to feed and fatten cows and animals.

We are starting the diet on the February 14th because it’s Ash Wednesday and it seems like a good day to start something like this. I insisted that we do something for Valentines Day so we are eating the chocolates and such on Monday.

I’m somewhat excited because I have wanted to do something like this for a while and because believe it or not, chocolate hummus tastes amazing.

On another note, I have a recipe to share with you; it’s for kale chips.

Mom and I went in the grocery store and few weeks ago and I spotted that they had some kale. I haven’t had any and I wanted some chips so we got some and I made some kale chips. They were amazing. Here is the recipe.

2 tsp olive oil

2-3 large leaves of kale

Salt and garlic powder/salt

Preheat the oven to 300°F. Rinse your kale and dry very well. If you leave any parts wet you will have soggy chips. Cut or rip into chip sized pieces. Don’t use the middle stem as they won’t bake to an even crisp.

Lay out the kale on a baking sheet and drizzle the olive oil over them as evenly as possible. Don’t put to much oil on one chip as this will also make the end product soggy.

Once you have drizzled, massage the oil into all the creases of the kale. Make sure there is oil in the curly edges as this is the best part.

2 taps doesn’t seem like enough but it is the perfect amount. if you really need more you can add a teensy amount.

Once you have finished massaging, sprinkle salt and garlic powder over the kale prices

Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. After, flip pieces that are crispy. Bake for another 10 minutes. Watch the chips closely over this period as ot is easy to let them over-brown.

They will be relatively cool soon after you pull them out of the oven. Enjoy your healthy chips!

Thabks so much for reading I hope you enjoyed this post! Tell me what you thought of the chips if you tried them and also if you have any special dietary needs!

Morning Skincare Routine

Hello awesome readers!

I’m coming to you all from an all new website! I’m so excited to finally be switching over to WordPress. Please bear with us as we learn to design this new site!

I decided to start a little series for you all. I’m calling it the “Beautiful Skin Series”. It will consist of a few posts all about skincare and self care. I will have a full schedule of the series’ posts at the end of this post! 🙂

To start off the Beautiful Skin Series, I will be sharing my morning skincare routine with you all! All products used can be found at either Target or Walmart.

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Right when I get out of bed, I head to the bathroom and pull back my messy hair into a ponytail to keep it out of my face. I first use my Clean and Clear Morning Burst Facial Cleanser. This stuff is amazing! It smells so good and just really wakes me up in the morning. It is made with vitamin C and ginseng, and thankfully is oil-free, perfect for my acne prone skin.

After using the Morning Burst Cleanser, I moisturize with the Garnier SkinActive Moisture Bomb. The Clean and Clear Cleanser tends to dry up my skin if I do not moisturize after, so this is a must. I just recently starting using this after getting a small version of it in the Ulta Most Coveted Skin Care Sampler. I absolutely love how light and weightless this moisturizer feels on my skin. Unlike a lot of moisturizers it doesn’t feel oily at all! Highly recommend trying this out!

After I have showered, I use the St. Ives Daily Hydrating Lotion all over my body to help with dry skin (especially during the cold months). I love the non-greasy feel this lotion gives my skin. It’s made with 100% natural moisturizers which I LOVE.

Thank you all so much for reading! Check out the schedule below if you’re interested in reading more of the “Beautiful Skin” series, or subscribe for notifications every time we post!

-Emma ❤

Beautiful Skin Series Post Schedule 

Morning Skincare Routine – 12/4/17

Night Skincare Routine – 12/7/17

Skincare Product Reviews (Kathleen) – 12/10/17

Self-care Night – 12/13/17

Sumbody Masks Review – 12/16/17